Saturday 3 September 2011

Lazy weekend

Oli and I spent the entire day inside today. This picture was taken by him yesterday, in front of the house his dad and him just finished. Oli did the lawn and stuff. He wanted pictures for a portfolio, for his future company. He's been obsessing on it all day, ordering cards and car magnets and stuff. "AMENAGEMENT OLIVERTWIST". I've had this nasty cold all day. Feeling feverish n' stuff. The walk we just took felt sorta good, even though the air was warm & I was exhausted. Oli just made me a cup of green tea. I'm letting it cool down. He also let me pick a 99 cent app for my iPod to empty his credit card. I'll pick it in a few minutes, when I'm finished writing this article. I'm writing it with an app I downloaded by mistake. It's pretty cool though.

We're watching the end of Pirates of the Caribbean tonight, hopefully. God I hope this sickness let's me sleep. Geez. Always skipping from one physical discomfort to the next. I am quite the phenomena. G'night

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