Sunday 2 October 2011

Why Artist Equals Poor

WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 2011 – BY 
“Since I was seventeen I thought I might be a star. I’d think about all my heroes, Charlie Parker, Jimi Hendrix… I had a romantic feeling about how these people became famous.” ~ Jean-Michel Basquiat
Inspiration and discouragement walk finger-laced through the artistic capitals of the world, stopping for a gentle moment to kiss, or breaking for an intense instant of conflict and passion. Independent artists feel the constant ying and yang of this ever-conflicted relationship, wading through recurring financial and emotional struggles in cities such as New York, Paris, London, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Between student loans, half-regulated rent, and minimum-wage-paying gigs, it’s a wonder that independent artists are not lining up on city rooftops with instruments, notebooks, microphones, dance shoes, scripts, and cameras, preparing to jump into the next lifetime. Instead, we play hard, drawing fuel from disappointment and slow achievement like a solar panel from the sun. We transform rejection into motivation. We move surreptitiously through obstacles.
On a late Monday evening, I sat surrounded by ordinary-looking people of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, and nationalities, soaking up an overwhelming improvisation performance at Manhattan’s historic Blue Note. Local singers, hip-hop artists, soprano saxophone performers, violin players, and electric guitar entertainers freestyled numerous jam sessions while combining art with spontaneity devoid of imperfection. After the opera singer shattered our scale of expectation and an alto took us deep into thought, I stood wide-eyed in fortunate discovery but recognizing the bittersweet dream of many independent artists.
As mainstream consumers bitch and moan about the lack of diversity in music, literature, dance, and film, independent artists channel their frustration into making art that rarely meets the ear or eye. Each day, a handful of independent artists receive the opportunity to carry their work into the mainstream, but most albums, shows, and books flop due to the twisted love-hate relationship that mainstream consumers share with mainstream monotony.
The consumer does not decide what’s hot and artistic talent is not a prerequisite for mainstream success. In fact, mass marketing campaigns, repeated radio plays, Oprah’s book endorsements, and powerhouse-funded films decide who has got “next” in every artistic industry. And most consumers, too lazy to venture beyond the latest talk show endorsement or popular deejay’s “exclusive shit” rhetoric, eat exactly what they’re fed, despite issuing complaints regarding the creative lull that tends to plague every artistic industry. Originality is rarely “it” anymore and if an independent artist wants to go mainstream, they tend to sacrifice innovation for fame and success.
But we know this, right? The underground scene is nothing new and its juxtaposition to mainstream artistry continues to symbolize the difference between night and day. That incredible self-published book sees minimal Amazon sales. That dope mixtape collects dust under the bed of some artist’s Brooklyn apartment. That mind-blowing performance only blesses the ears of a hundred people. And the cycle continues.
Reading that Basquiat quote, I weep knowing that many independent artists start with romantic feelings about how the famous become famous. But regardless, independent artistry survives through the depths of lows and the limitations of highs, even if mainstream consumers largely ignore it.
Perhaps, the real question is:
Do independent artists really need mainstream validation? Could we make decent livings if complainers actually backed up hot air with financial support? Will artistry ever stop being a synonym for conflicted and poor?
You decide.

Thursday 29 September 2011

School day 5


What are the odds of Oli's favorite nickelback song playing on the radio? Ah well. I'm joining Oli on his diet today. We're both on calorie diets, except my allowed intake is much smaller then his because of the fact that I'm a girl. (no fair!) Just had a 6" Italian sub with Swiss cheese, mustard and veggies. Not bad. Allowed to have a 2nd super later on. This should sustain me till then. I've got a huge cold today (hense the quick chibi drawing)(facepalm to the chibi) and everywhere I go I'm underdressed. Got chills all over my arms n legs. Thank you early fall, for your unpredictableness. Gonna go to the bus stop n read now. After peeing. Babai.

School day 5


What are the odds of Oli's favorite nickelback song playing on the radio? Ah well. I'm joining Oli on his diet today. We're both on calorie diets, except my allowed intake is much smaller then his because of the fact that I'm a girl. (no fair!) Just had a 6" Italian sub with Swiss cheese, mustard and veggies. Not bad. Allowed to have a 2nd super later on. This should sustain me till then. I've got a huge cold today (hense the quick chibi drawing)(facepalm to the chibi) and everywhere I go I'm underdressed. Got chills all over my arms n legs. Thank you early fall, for your unpredictableness. Gonna go to the bus stop n read now. After peeing. Babai.

Gay nublet webie

At school. Sort of worried about where my
iPod touch could be. It's not in my schoolbag... sigh. Working on
Claris Homepage stuff here in Computer class. I'm supposed to be
working on this nub website with prehistorical graphics. Oh well.
Maybe I could get to be a secretery out of this? It doesn't take
that many more computer classes to have what it takes to be a
secretary. And I'd love that. Of course, not for the rest of my
LIFE but... for a while.

Passed the Windows XP class with 96%,
which is pretty cool. I really should be working on this nubsite
but... meh.

I think today I really really really need
to clean my room. My room is pretty much fine except for a few
misplaced books papers and CDs. It's the clothes. The knee-high pile
of clothes hugging the contours of my bed, on the floor. Voir
que je suis allée tout laver l'autre jour. What a colossal
waste of time. Could have finished the whole damn job.

The main reason I wanna finish cleaning
my room is I might like to start a Christmas ornaments thing on
Etsy. I
was thinking of starting to sow small Christmas ornaments. They're
cheap, easy and fast to make, so I can be creative without beign
afraid it'll be so exhausting that I won't be able to repeat it
again. Someone on Etsy sold her ornaments 8 dollars each. It was a
simple white christmas tree with little gold beads in it. If she can
pull it off surely I can.

I'd have to first make a draft of the
designs. Then I'd have to calculate the price of the material to know
the minimum I'd have to put as my selling price in order for it to
cover the cost of that material. I have 15$ to invest for now... but
I need not rush. I have till November.

I could also make other things. People
want to give things as gifts on Christmas, obviously. This means Etsy
will be FULL of buyers. This is my highest chance of the year to make
a profit out of what I sell. I think if I sold one single thing, it
would be enough to encourage me to continue to make things to put
into my shop and start an official pocket-money-making artsy pass
time. Oli's behind me 100%. That also helps.

Going to eat now. I'm starved. To hell with my diet =P And the 15$..!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Computer class dfjghworu

  In computer class. Just finished the Windows XP book via a quick early pretest! (I have to pass the seemingly easy exam I've been scheduled tomorrow morning at 8:30am.) I'm seeing Oli for lunch for the first time in 28 minutes and I'm absolutely starved. Going to test out some french keyboard stuff now, for the exam tomorrow. 

(For the record, the image above is from an exercise in my Windows XP book. I just find it absolutely hilarious. So... 90's :P)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

30 javier 1989. Mon dixième jour au Japôn en tant qu'adulte. Depuis ce que j'appelais mon rtour, chaque matin' en ouvrant les rideaux, je décourvrais un ciel d'un bleu parfait. Quand, pendant des années' on a ouvert des rideaux belges sur des grisailles pesant des tonnes, comment ne pas s'exalter de l'hiver tokyoïte?

Je joignis mon élève au café d'Omote-Sando. La leçon se concentra sur le temps qu'il fesait. Bonne idée, car le climat, sujet idéal pour ceux qui n'ont rien à se dire, est au Japon la conversation principale et obligatoire.

Rencontrer quelqu'un et ne pas lui parler de la météo équivaut à un manque de savoir-vivre.

Rinri me sembla avoir progressé depuis la dernière fois. Ce ne pouvait s'expliquer par mes seuls enseignements: il devait avoir travaillé de son côté. Sans doute la perspective de dialoguer avec une francophone l'avait-il motivé.

Il me racontai les rigueurs de l'été quand je le vis lever les yeux vers un garçon qui venait d'entrer. Ils échangèrent un signe.

- Qui est-ce? demandai-je.
- Hara, un ami qui étudie avec moi.

Le jeune homme s'approcha pour saluer, Rinri fit les présentations en anglais. Je m'insurgeai :

- En francais, s'il vous plaît. Votre ami aussi étudie cette langue.

Mon élève reprit, pataugea un peu à cause du brusque changement de registre, puis articula comme il put :

- Hara, je te présente Amélie, ma maîtresse.

J'eus beaucoup de mal à cacher mon hilarité qui heût découragé d'aussi louables efforts. Je n'allais pas rectifier devant son ami : c'eût été lui faire perdre la face.

C'était le jour des coïncidences : je vis entrer Christine, sympatique jeune Belge qui travaillait à l'ambassade et m'avait aidée à remplir de la paperasse.

Je la hélai.

Il me sembla que c'était mon tour de faire les présentations. Mais Rinri, sur sa lancée, voulant sans doute répéter l'exercice, dit à Christine :

- Je vous présente Hara mon ami, et Amélie ma maîtresse.

La jeune femme me regarda brièvement. Je simulai l'indifférence et présentai Christine aux jeunes gens. À cause de ce malentendu, et de peur de paraître une dominatrice en amour, je n'osai plus donner de conisgnes à mon élève. Je me fixai comme unique objectif possible de maintenir le français comme langue d'échange.

- Vous ^tes toutes les deux Belgieques?

- Oui, sourit Christine. Vous parlez très bien francais.

-Grâce à Amélie qui est ma...

Wednesday 21 September 2011

School day 2

Today is Oliver and I's 4th month together. I got him a book about historical architecture. I hope he'll like it. It really seems like his sorta thing. Lots of amazing pictures + a shit tone of information.

I'm at the library in St-eustache, down the street from school which finished 2 hours 10 minutes ago. Insisted on waiting for him instead of taking the bus home for some reason. I can't wait to see him. I can honestly say I'm happy with him.

Yesterday after school we played pool at Le Huit bar on Oka road. I hope we can go back. I fell in love with it.

HE'S HERE! bye :)

School Day 1 (Sept 20 2011)

This is a post I will be editing all day. I'm currently riding in the 90 bus, heading for school slowly but (hopefully) surely. Was supposed to take the 89 bus at 8:15 but the 90 was where I usually wait so I took the chance. It's raining outside (well, barely, but the weather is dark and heavy like the on and off rainy day that it's going to be today). Listening to good old Metric (the I'm Alive album) as I pass Super C. Feels good to be in a bus or the first time in about 4 months. A little nervous but not too worried. This is the same school I,be been going to for why, 3-4 years now? No biggie, I can do this. Hope I'll work well today. & I hope Oli finds a way to charge my public mobile account soon. I can't wait to feel not alone completely.

Inside the school downstairs at the cafeteria. They're doing this in a strange order,chairs everywhere, no speeches. Sipping a French vanilla cafeteria.

School's done Oli's coming to get me at Timmies YAAAYYY :) I feel wonderful today. School's just why I needed to bring myself back to life. Can't wait to see Oli, I'm gonna hug him so hard! :P and then we'll get a bight to eat. All of this morning was an introduction, and all of this afternoon was computer class. I have no choice but to have half a schedule from this point on, so that's gonna be pretty sweet. My classes are French and Computer. Should be easy, even if they're my two least favorite classes...

Listing to the album Details by Imogen Heap. And Dido. White Flag.